Mid-Valley 2025 Events and Appreciation calendar.
Nurse Midwife Joins OB/GYN Team at Mid-Valley Clinic
October 10, 2023
OMAK, WA – Mid-Valley Clinic is pleased to announce that it is expanding Women’s Health and Pregnancy Services with the addition of Certified Nurse Midwife Carol Neely.
Carol will be working with August Daniel King, MD, OB/GYN, at the Omak-based clinic. She brings more than 30 years of OB and women’s health experience to the community.
Carol began her nursing career as an officer in the United States Army after earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Georgia Southern University in 1994. She earned a Master’s in Nursing from the University of Washington in 2011.
Her personalized approach has been developed across a spectrum of settings. She was part of a Collaborative Midwifery/OB/GYN group at Providence in Everett, WA for the past 10 years. The Midwifery group earned national recognition for having the lowest cesarean rate for nine consecutive years.
Carol also has a passion for teaching. She has used her experience and specialized skills to train and mentor numerous healthcare providers through the years. In 2019, she was honored as Preceptor of the Year by the University of Washington.
For the past year, Carol has worked as the chief nursing officer at Mid-Valley Hospital, a position that has provided her the opportunity to become familiar with hospital operations and staff and to learn more about the community and local medical providers.
Across the United States, women in rural communities face unique challenges in finding both primary care and specialized health care. Teaming Carol with Dr. King will create a one-of-a-kind combination in the Okanogan Valley.
“For women seeking healthcare and/or pregnancy care, we provide a unique opportunity for them to experience specialized care right here at home,” Carol said.
Due to their specialized training, certified nurse midwives practice independently – without the oversight of a medical doctor – and care for women throughout the entirety of their pregnancy, during childbirth and postpartum.
In addition to delivering babies and caring for pregnant mothers, some of the services Carol will offer include:
- Sexual and Reproductive Health/Gynecologic Health
- Family Planning Services to include IUD and Nexplanon placement and removal
- Physical examinations, Pap smears, Well Woman Exams
- Treatment of substance use disorder in pregnancy
- Lactation Support
- Postpartum Depression
In addition to her work in the clinic, Carol also is the lead teacher of Mid-Valley Hospital’s free Childbirth Preparation Classes, which are held weekly on Monday nights. The classes are a two-part series covering planning for the arrival of a new child and postpartum care. Register for the classes here: https://www.mvhealth.org/calendar-list-view/ Â
To schedule an appointment with Carol, call Mid-Valley Clinic at 509-826-1600.
Mid-Valley Hospital Launches Diabetes Prevention Classes
Sept. 28, 2023
OMAK, WA – Mid-Valley Hospital is launching Transform Your Health – a Diabetes Prevention Program, with classes beginning Oct. 5.
The evidence-based lifestyle change program is designed to prevent Type 2 diabetes and is modeled after a nationally recognized program, according to Franco Lopez, III, Mid-Valley Hospital’s dietitian.
Lopez, a registered dietitian and board-certified diabetes specialist, will be the lead facilitator of the cohort – or group-based program – that provides practical training and education empowering people to manage their health.
The program includes comprehensive health assessments that will uncover your unique health status and risk factors, along with personalized tools and a roadmap for your success.
The program also features engaging group sessions and interactive workshops with deep dives into nutrition, physical activity, stress management and other variables that impact weight management, blood pressure and overall health.
Lopez noted that research has shown group-interactive classes produce higher success rates and better long-term results than individual one-on-one programs, as participants learn valuable practical tips from each other.
Lopez has 12 years experience and has logged more than 28,000 hours of clinical practice. He has worked with hundreds of adult and pediatric patients with a variety of conditions including neurological disorders, metabolic diseases, genetic disorders, insulin resistance, fatty liver and cancer. He has also facilitated family-oriented nutrition and wellness and diabetes prevention programs. He offers his expertise in both English and Spanish.
Classes start Oct. 5, from 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. at Mid-Valley Hospital, 810 Jasmine Street in Omak.   Registration is required.
For more information or to reserve your spot, call 509-826-1760 ext. 2033 or email lopezf@mvhealth.org.

Mid-Valley Hospital Board Nominates New Commissioner
August 28, 2023
OMAK, WA – The Board of Commissioners of Okanogan County Public Hospital District #3 is pleased to announce the nomination of Debi Clark to succeed former Commissioner Becky Corson in position #4. Ms. Clark’s resume is available for inspection upon request.Â
The Board’s nomination is communicated to the public pursuant to amended RCW 42.12 and Substitute Senate Bill 5437 (attached) and posted on the District’s public website and official FaceBook page and Instagram feed. Per the law, the public is encouraged to submit additional nominations for the next 15 days, which nomination period will then end at 12:59pm on September 12, 2023. Public nominations should include at a minimum the nominee’s full name, personal phone, and personal email address. Submission of a letter of interest and/or a resume is also encouraged. Public nominations can also be made in person at the District’s Administrative Offices at 810 Jasmine Street, Omak, 98841; via USPS mail at that same address; or via email at EatonL@mvhealth.org. Nominations received by US Postal Service mail must be postmarked by the deadline regardless of when received.
Public members are welcome to seek help in the nomination process from District Administration staff by scheduling an appointment or dropping by Administrative offices during business hours.Â
Once the nomination period has closed, the Hospital District Commission will consider all nominees for final appointment into Commissioner Position #4 at either a Regular Meeting or Special Meeting for that specific purpose, at their sole discretion.
Mid-Valley Hospital Seeking Candidate for Board of Commissioner Vacancy
August 3, 2023
OMAK, WA – Mid-Valley Hospital is seeking candidates to fill a vacant Board of Commissioners seat, position #4. Â
This board seat was previously held by Becky Corson, who is relocating out of the area. Corson served on the Board since July 2022.
According to Mid-Valley Hospital CEO John White, serving on the board of commissioners is an opportunity for community members to help shape the direction of healthcare services. “The commissioner role is vital because it represents the voice of the community,” he said.
People who are actively engaged in the community—through volunteering, working in social services, education, law enforcement, retail businesses and agriculture, have a unique perspective that helps broaden the definition and view of what services the hospital offers and how the hospital delivers those services to the community, White added. “It’s a big responsibility—and a very rewarding responsibility.”
In addition to her service as a commissioner, Corson has a long association with the hospital. She was Clinic Administrator for Mid-Valley Medical Group for 12 years, where she was responsible for practice management of OB/GYN, general surgery and primary care services, as well as oversight of medical providers and all staff. She also previously served as Administrative Assistant at Mid-Valley Hospital for eight years. Corson earned an MBA at Pacific Lutheran University and a Bachelor of Business Administration- Accounting at Eastern Washington University.
The candidate appointed for Position #4 would complete Corson’s unexpired term of service which runs through December 31, 2025.
To be eligible for consideration, candidates must be a registered voter, live in the hospital district and cannot be an employee of the hospital or its affiliated medical clinic. Commissioners have 11 monthly meetings per year, plus various committee meetings. Compensation is $128 per meeting, plus mileage and expense reimbursement.
Interested candidates should send a hard copy or emailed letter of introduction accompanied by a resume by August 16, 2023 to Mid-Valley Hospital at:
Mid-Valley Hospital
Attn: Lisa Eaton, Executive Office Manager
810 Jasmine Street
Omak, WAÂ 98841
Letters of interest should address why the candidate is applying to be a commissioner and why they would be a good choice for appointment on the board.
The Mid-Valley Hospital Board of Commissioners is responsible for overseeing hospital district policies with the goal of providing quality care and healthcare services that meet the community needs. Commissioners meet monthly at the hospital’s Education Building. Meetings are open to the public.
Washington State House Bill 1272
Mid-Valley Hospital will take additional steps to improve quality care beginning July 1, 2023 by reporting more detailed demographic information about our patients. This will this help us continue delivering high quality, compassionate care to everyone. It is also mandated by a new Washington State law.
House Bill 1272 requires hospitals in Washington to improve transparency by reporting patients’ race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, preferred language, and disabilities. While the new law requires that we ask these additional questions, patients may choose whether or not they want to provide this information. Participation by patients is entirely voluntary and all information is strictly confidential.
Your answers to these questions will assist in identifying and addressing health disparities in Washington State, with the goal of achieving health equity for all. If you believe Washington State’s Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill (E2SHB) 1272 (WAC 246-455-025) violates your rights or you have specific questions regarding this law, please contact your legislative representative or Washington State Department of Health at CHARSGeneral@doh.wa.gov.
For more information, visit Washington State Department of Health as required by HB 1272. You may also contact the Mid-Valley Compliance Officer at 509-861-2443.